Tag Archives: Kathako Videostudio

New Beautiful, Relaxing, Comforting Views of Sunrise, Sunsets, Clouds, and Skies, & Heavenly Sounds

Yes, the sun rises and sets every day, depicting the start and end of a new day. Looking at the wondrous layers of lights, colors and shadows are like appreciating the Universal wonder of God’s love and His promise of a new tomorrow. It is also a reminder that everything in life has a beginning and an end, that there’s time for work and a time for rest.

Many of you will appreciate peace and comfort by observing nature’s beauty, watching and hearing what we bring to you. This can be your temporary sojourn from the noise of the day, bringing you to your mortal nirvana. The time-lapse of the changing waves, hues, and clouds on the videos are mesmerizing and uplifting. It is arts at its finest, created by nature itself with the Lord’s blessing. Continue reading

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